From One Came Many.

Often, when I start a new work, the creative energy it sparks carries me forward into other areas. For me, this is a flow of creativity (and lots of work!). My starting point – the painting that sparked one of the longest phases was “The Eternal Olive Tree” – a 36 x 36-inch oil painting. I saw olive trees during our visits to Spain and Israel. I was fascinated by their longevity, fruitfulness, their amazing shapes and textures, the diversity of greens in the different fruit varieties, how they were shaken and struck to drop their ripe olives.

The Eternal Olive Tree. 36x36 Oil

I didn’t want to paint a specific tree. Instead, I wanted to capture something of the “nature” of an olive tree. The tree bases seemed to me almost like dark columns of water bubbling up and swirling powerfully around to form the trunks. I tried to use my paint to grow the tree into full mature existence on canvas. But when the painting was finished, I gradually realized I was only beginning.

From this first Tree came more than 60 paintings embracing several series: Trees real and imagined, trees of myth and legend.

Trees alone, creating light, thorn trees sheltering nests or dancing to welcome the dawn.

The painting you see here is “Nature’s Breath” – is the latest.

Nature’s Breath 24x24 Oil

Can you look back and see a moment, image, a piece of writing which released an extended burst of creativity?