
Hello Friends,

Good art makes us stop. It captures our attention. It calls us out of frantic schedules and activities, and obsessions. It calls us to what I think of as “active contemplation” - engaging with the beauty we can find in everyday life. And beauty is there! If we have eyes, and take the time, to see.

As art lovers, we have the opportunity to “stop and smell (and see!) the roses” and so much more! Not only in nature but in the people around us. Let yourself “be arrested!” It’s so easy to get caught up in ourselves that we don’t see the selves around us; we don’t see and seize the chances for self-giving and the freedom, joy, and healing that it brings.

Sometimes life is hidden in unlikely places.

Spring Among the Thorns Oi; 30x60

I hope we all can begin being “artists of time,” daily looking forward to the opportunities to see and create beauty in the ordinary actions of our lives. Look around at the season’s changing colors.

It’s Raining Blossom Oil 20x20

