Decorating With Art.

Hello again Art Friends,

Recently we had our white, old fashioned, kitchen cabinets re-surfaced. We also had new cabinet doors and drawer fronts made in our style of preference - Shaker.

We chose the Spring colors of daffodils as our inspiration

The results are, fabulous! They also showed us something we were already knew we wanted to change - our wall color! The all-purpose grey selected by the previous owners is just not ‘us’.

Greys can be beautiful and have many variations, but this one seemed bland and the lovely new colors of our cabinetry have emphasized this.

In an effort to counteract the bland gray walls, now shown up by the lovely colors of Spring daffodils, I decided to add a painting as a contrast, as we consider our next wall color choice. My first selection seemed fine until I realized it just had the same effect as our newly refinished cabinets!

Summer Fruiting Oil 48x48

My second attempt was, I think, more successful as, while echoing the colors it also introduced some contrasting elements.

Cherry Delight Oil 40x60

This is using art as a Statement Piece. To define a room or an area and as a stand-alone piece,

Tomorrow we’ll look at grouping small pieces to get a similar effect or simply bring a blank area to life.

